Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Ladies and gentlemen, our little munchie is big-time now. He officially ate baby cereal last night and didn't seem to hate it all that much.

For the last six months, this kiddo has survived solely on breast milk, so putting on that bib and grabbing that spoon was a fun little change of pace for us parents.

I've also purchased some questionable looking veggies for him to practice with soon, which I'm certain are delicious (gag), but for now we'll play around with cereal so that he gets a little more used to a spoon.

Isn't it so much fun to be alongside of someone who gets to try everything for the VERY FIRST TIME? I love that even the smallest of things like eating super bland cereal can make for a fun memory.

The verdict is still out on whether or not he enjoyed it, but he tried it and that's all we had hoped would happen. Even covered in mush, this face melts me.

Dont' mind the fauxhawk in the pics. That's what happens when Lovie (aka Grandma) watches him;)

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